Thaler Overview and Guide


Thaler is a currency introduced by Jagex from 18th May 2015 that is earned by participating in one of a number of eligible minigames. Of these minigames, at any given time exactly one is highlighted to be the currently spotlighted minigame. This spotlight changes every three days. During the three day period that a minigame is highlighted, players receive Thaler 5 times as quickly for that specific minigame. The only criteria to earn Thaler is that you spend time playing the minigame. Win or lose, you will receive exactly the same amount. They are awarded proportionally to time spent inside the minigame, at a rate of one Thaler per five minutes regularly, and a whopping 5 times faster in the spotlighted game, at a rate of one Thaler per one minute in the current spotlighted game. Remember that this only includes in-game time, and not time spent waiting in game lobbies.

Thaler can be spent on various categories of normal minigame rewards, from Castle Wars' infamous Profound armour to untradeable versions of Silverhawk feathers to limited edition items. Thaler come as an additional bonus to the usual currency earned just by playing minigames without any additional effort, so they can be a valuable time-saver for achieving those minigame reward items you may have your eye on.

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Spotlight Shop Locations

You can redeem your Thaler rewards from any Spotlight Reward shop. Stanley LimeLight will always be there and present at the spotlighted minigame.


A full table of locations with pictures follows.

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Spotlighted Minigame Rotation

The Spotlight feature enables you to earn Thaler at five times the normal rate by playing a specific minigame that is currently featured. The featured minigame changes every three days according to a set rotation which runs as follows. Note also that different minigames crop up more often than others, as shown in the second tab.

1Pest Control10Stealing Creation19Soul Wars
2Soul Wars11Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza20Fishing Trawler
3Fist of Guthix12Heist21Great Orb Project
4Barbarian Assault13Mobilising Armies22Flash Powder Factory
5Conquest14Barbarian Assault23Stealing Creation
6Fishing Trawler15Conquest24Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza
7Great Orb Project16Fist of Guthix25Heist
8Flash Powder Factory17Castle Wars26Trouble Brewing
9Castle Wars18Pest Control27Castle Wars
Barbarian Assault2Great Orb Project2
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza2Heist2
Castle Wars3Mobilising Armies1
Conquest2Pest Control2
Fishing Trawler2Soul Wars2
Fist of Guthix2Stealing Creation2
Flash Powder Factory2Trouble Brewing1

To check which minigame is currently in the spotlight, and which upcoming minigames are next, navigate to your Adventurers tab and click the Minigames tab therein that interface. You will see the current spotlighted minigame near the top left. Scroll down and you will find the next three queued spotlight minigames marked by icons of one, two, or three dots, color-coded with a green, blue, and purple stripe respectively to indicate that they are in the first, second, and third position to be spotlighted next. Hover over one of the minigames to find out precisely how many days remain until they have their turn in the spotlight. A new day begins at the usual daily reset time of 00:00 GMT.

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Thaler can be spent on many different rewards, available at a podium outside of any minigame included in the system. Stanley Limelight - the Spotlight host - will be in attendance at the minigame currently spotlighted, but you can spend your Thaler at any podium, regardless of whether Stanley is there or not. The rewards are divided into four categories: Armour, Skill Gear, Miscellaneous, and Limited Edition.

  • Armour refers to general combat gear, such as magic robes from Fist of Guthix, enchanted rings from Mobilsing Armies, and Hybrid gear won from various minigames normally by random chance.
  • Skill Gear includes minigame rewards that increase experience, such as fishing gloves, Runecrafting equipment, and Slayer VIP tickets.
  • Miscellaneous rewards include clue scrolls, fallen stars, and Silverhawk boots. The egg unlocks are used as weapon recolours.
  • Limited Edition rewards include skill outfit sets normally only available from Treasure Hunter, but will only be offered for a limited time before they cannot be purchased.

Hover over each tab to change between the categories.

You can also see your current amount of Thaler through quickchat, by choosing the options 'E' -> 'M' -> 1, as illustrated below.

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Tips and Tricks

  • Ironman players will be unable to claim any rewards that they would not ordinarily be able to access. In particular, they cannot redeem rewards from minigames not ordinarily accessible to ironmen.
  • Thaler can be earned on free-to-play, and spotlight rewards reaped as well. Note that Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza and Fist of Guthix are the only spotlighted minigames available for F2P, and that members' rewards cannot be purchased on a free world.
  • Thaler does not appear in your inventory as a physical item, but is tracked on Jagex's end. After finishing a round of any eligible minigame, you will receive a game message informing you of any Thaler gain and the amount of Thaler you currently have saved up. You can also check how much Thaler you have at any of the podiums.
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Original Guide by: Arceus

Thanks to: DatPeko

Last updated by: Arceus

Last updated on: 20-May-2015

RuneScape 2007
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