• INSTRUCTIONS: Type Your curent skill levels in textboxes. Press TIP ME when finished. read result.

  • If you type new skills you can use button TIP ME to recalculate result.
  • Ranged based - If (ranged * 1.5) > (strenght + attack) then your attack and strenght are NOT counted at all
  • Combat based - If (ranged * 1.5) < (strenght + attack) then ranged is not counted.


Combat Level Calculator
by uLtRaPoWeR/Silverion

Attack level:
Defense level:
Strength level:
Hits level:
Ranged level:
Prayer level:
Magic level:


Please send us suggestions to our e-mail: [email protected].
By Silverion February 2002
Credits: Xp Level code program written in Python by Slowbyte. JavaScript version written by Sir T Bone. Lightning for idea and support. XxcavalierXx for corrections.


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